Frozen and damaged pipes are a real pain for property owners during single-digit or even below zero weather. When pipes have burst, you need to rectify the situation to get potable & clean water flowing again ASAP. Indeed, a significant amount of time and money is required to address the problem. Instinctively, you turn to your insurance company to mend the hole in your pocket. The thing is, it isn’t that easy. As much as you want your policy to hand over the funds in a snap of a finger, you still have to go through a long and winding process.
Good news. You do not have to handle it alone. Pittsburgh Public Adjusters can come to the rescue.Our team of licensed insurance professionals will work on your behalf. Standing in between you and your insurance company, we strive to get you a fair settlement on those busted pipes.
We have successfully filed insurance claims for property damage caused by frozen pipes from years of experience – all to our client’s satisfaction.
Collaborate with a Trustworthy Public Insurance Adjuster
Insurance companies already have in-house adjusters that they could assign to your case. But this does not guarantee a generous payout. There are also chances for denial and delays as they fully represent the insurance company and not the policyholder. At times, these adjusters also have limited knowledge about the technicalities of frozen pipe damage.
Public adjusters, like ours, who have ample experience and knowledge about broken pipes due to freezing, will offer a proper perspective from the other side of the coin.
To expedite and maximize your insurance claims, hire one of our professional public adjusters. You get your own representation that fights for the settlement you want and deserve.
Recover from a busted pipe quickly with the help of licensed professionals who also want the best for you
What to Do When Pipes FreezE
- Shut off the main water supply. For commercial spaces, contact the person in charge to pull the switch.
- Ideally, temporarily turn off electricity which is placed near the frozen pipe.
- Try to thaw using either a running faucet, heating pad or a hairdryer. Of course, following safety measures.
- Call a local plumbing company if all else fails.
- Shut off the main water supply.
- Make sure it would not affect any electrical lines or outlets.
- Clear the area for any other hazards.
- Contact a local plumbing company to get your pipe fixed.
What to Do When Pipes BursT
Either circumstance necessitates you to call two entities: your plumber and your insurance provider. Take the extra step and reach out to us so you would not be bothered with the procedure.
Make sure to document the whole process. From its initial condition to your band-aid solution until the plumbers arrive, take photos and keep receipts.
What WE Do for YOU
Pittsburgh public adjusters have your back in dealing with insurers. Our professionals fulfill your insurance documentation, loss estimates and other details. For an affordable fee, you save time, effort and stress that come with the detailed process.
We evaluate the damage and the situation. Included in our steps are an investigation of the damage and an examination of the policy. According to the info we gather, we advise the homeowner/building owner/policyholder of the next steps.
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We go back and forth as a middle man between our clients and their insurer. Part of our job is to ensure clear and transparent communication.
If necessary, your representative will do negotiations with your insurance company. We address issues in the policy and state laws and appraise the damage’s value until we reach a fair settlement.
Our goal is to get your property to fully recover from the damaged pipes incident as advocates of your rights. We cushion the blow with our expertise and excellent resources.